Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Monash University to develop outcomes based assessment for internationally qualified nurses
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Monash University to develop outcomes based assessment for internationally qualified nurses

12 Jan 2018

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) has appointed Monash University to develop part of a new outcomes based assessment for internationally qualified nurses.

The NMBA is moving to an outcomes based assessment of competence to practise for internationally qualified nurses and midwives wanting to register in Australia.

In June 2017, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) on behalf of the NMBA released a request for tender for a provider to develop an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE) for internationally qualified nurses.

Monash University has been awarded the contract to develop the OSCE for internationally qualified nurses.

One of the key roles of the NMBA is to protect the public by ensuring that nurses and midwives are suitably trained and competent to practise. Under the National Law1, the NMBA oversees the assessment of the knowledge and clinical skills of overseas trained nurses and midwives, to determine their suitability for registration in Australia.

The move to an outcomes based assessment for internationally qualified nurses and midwives is expected to progress over the next two years. The NMBA will provide further updates as the change progresses.

1The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and territory.

Page reviewed 12/01/2018