Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Self-check and Portfolio
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Check if your health practitioner is qualified, registered and their current registration status

Self-check and Portfolio

If you are an internationally qualified nurse or midwife (IQNM) who wishes to register in Australia, you will need to complete the Self-check before applying for registration.

Upon completion of the Self-check, each IQNM applicant will be assigned to a ‘Stream’ which is dependent on which qualification assessment criteria an IQNM’s qualification(s) meet.

All internationally qualified nurses and midwives (IQNMs) who wish to register and work in Australia as a registered nurse, enrolled nurse, or midwife must complete an orientation to the Australian healthcare setting. There are two parts to the orientation. Orientation Part 1 must be completed before registration and Part 2 must be completed after registration.

The information provided by candidates during the Self-check is checked by Ahpra at the Portfolio stage. At this stage, candidates must provide additional personal and contact information as well as identification and qualification documentation.

Page reviewed 10/07/2020