Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Steps after Self-check (assessment stages)
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Steps after Self-check (assessment stages)

When an internationally qualified nurse or midwife (IQNM) completes the Self-check they will be advised if they are in Stream A, B, or C, or if Ahpra needs to assess their qualification(s) before assigning a stream.

The stream is dependent on which qualification assessment criteria an IQNM’s qualification(s) meets (see Meeting the registration requirements and Completing the Self-check for more information on qualification assessment and the streams).

IQNMs in each stream must complete a different number of steps (assessment stages) before they are eligible to apply for registration. Stream A and Stream B IQNMs who choose to proceed in the IQNM assessment process are considered to be ‘candidates’.

Stream A

Stream A candidates must first pay the IQNM assessment fee in order to proceed in the IQNM assessment process. Following payment, Stream A candidates must successfully complete the following assessment stage to be eligible to apply for registration:

  • Orientation Part 1 - an online learning course providing an introduction to Australia and the Australian healthcare context.

Stream B (Outcomes-based assessment)

Stream B candidates must first pay the IQNM assessment fee in order to proceed in the IQNM assessment process. Following payment, Stream B candidates must successfully complete the following assessment stages in the order shown to be eligible to apply for registration:

Stream C

IQNMs assigned to Stream C after completing the Self-check will be advised that the only way to proceed in the assessment process to upgrade their qualification.

This may be done by enrolling in a qualification leading to registration, such as:

  • a midwifery or nursing Bachelor degree (AQF level 7 or comparable)
  • an enrolled nursing Diploma (AQF level 5 or comparable)

IQNMs can upgrade their qualification in Australia or any other country of choice. If their qualification is upgraded outside Australia the IQNM must make sure that the qualification meets the accreditation requirements of criterion 2. The qualification must be in nursing or midwifery and must lead to registration in the country of study. Post graduate qualifications in related fields will not meet the requirements.

If the qualification is upgraded in Australia, the education provider can provide further information on the program of study approved for registration and any opportunity for recognition of prior learning.

Details of Approved Programs of Study can be found on the NMBA website.

The following figure shows the required assessment stages up to application for registration for each stream following completion of the Self-check.

Assessment stages up to application for registration

At the Self-check, if an IQNM’s qualification has not previously been assessed by Ahpra it will not be available to select. IQNMs can still be processed by indicating on the Self-check that they cannot find their qualification. Ahpra will then assess the qualification at the portfolio stage. Ahpra will also need to assess multiple qualifications that have not previously been assessed in combination.

IQNMs who are advised by Ahpra that their qualification needs to be assessed will be required to pay the IQNM assessment fee and complete the following assessment stages in the order shown:

  • Orientation Part 1 - an online learning course providing an introduction to Australia and the Australian healthcare context
  • Portfolio - provision of qualification and identification details and documentation

Ahpra assesses the qualifications at the Portfolio stage when the IQNM provides their qualification documentation. Once Ahpra assesses the qualification(s), the IQNM will be advised of their next steps i.e. if they continue in the IQNM assessment process as a Stream A candidate or a Stream B candidate, or if they first need to upgrade their qualification (Stream C).

The following figure shows the required steps for an IQNM who is advised that their qualification(s) needs assessment.

Qualification requires assessment

Once Self-check is completed and the candidate wishes to proceed in the assessment process, the IQNM assessment fee must be paid. This fee is non-refundable and covers the cost of:

  • Orientation Part 1
  • Ahpra’s review of documentation provided by Stream A candidates at registration, or
  • Ahpra’s review of documentation provided by Stream B candidates at the Portfolio stage.
Page reviewed 16/07/2020